Monday, March 8, 2010

Today's productivity=0

I have not been creatively productive at all today.  I've done a few random things, but nothing exciting.  I'm still working on my Indie Biz portfolio.  It's coming along, slowly.  Class started yesterday!  Eeek!

I feel like I need to do something, but I don't know what.  I'm just not inspired today. 
I got these paperdolls for my daughter for Christmas. 
It's all the Red Velvet girls.  They're so stinkin' cute!  I haven't let her play with them yet because I keep meaning to put contact paper over them to make them a little sturdier.  I love them so much and I know they will get torn if I don't reinforce them with something.  So there, that is my project for today.  I need to get busy, then.  I'm sure she will want to go outside and play today when she gets home from school. 

It's beautiful here.  Perfect for taking a walk and riding a bike! 
Have a great day! 


  1. I am so excited for indie biz i just finished my portfolio. and I feel ya on the not being inspired thing i had a blah weekend haha

    Happy Monday

  2. I've seen those on at the RVA Shop, but I'm like you I am afraid that my little girl will tare them up! I haven't gotten much done today either, my baby has a cold and she doesn't want me to put her down, so no knitting or class yet today!! Have a great evening!!

  3. Meg-I decided to put contact paper on them. I think they will be pretty safe now! I hope your baby is feeling better.

  4. Thanks for the sweet comments! I appreciate it so much! I love your needle and thread at the bottom of your posts! So cute!
