Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Crunchy...Like a Fox!

Howdy, neighbor! 

I'm so lucky to have met this chic.  Even luckier is the fact that she moved in right next door to me!  She's silly, says crazy and off the wall things, loves to laugh, and is super crafty!  All the things I look for in a friend!  Oh, and I can't forget to mention what a crazy cute little boy she has!  She's also a part of our a fox blog.  She's a fox.  You know the wearing, cloth diapering, breastfeeding, reduce reuse recycle, tree-hugger.  Basically, all around super cool!  Okay, enough about how much I love her!  She also makes some really awesome things and has a lot of great ideas.  Check out her blog Handy Mother for tips and ideas for living a more earth-friendly and healthier lifestyle. 
The woman loves to recycle a pair of blue jeans
She's can make some fabulous things out of them!
Check out her Etsy shop for more surprises!

Don't forget about the Valentine's Day giveaway going on from now until this Saturday!  I can't wait to announce the winner!

Have a great day!


  1. An just how exactly did you meet this awesome chic??? Hmmmm...

  2. DeAndra, I just love your is too neat! And what makes it even better is that I really know the person behind it all! Keep up the amazing and great work! Wish I had just a little bit of craft in my world!!LOL
